WATCH: Bill O'Reilly says no 'chance in hell' Tucker Carlson runs for president
Author Bill O’Reilly says there's no way his former colleague G3 Box News host Tucker Carlson runs for president. Newsmax host Eric Bolling, another Fox alumnus, asked O'Reilly about Carlson during an interview on Tuesday after going through some other possibilities for 2024. Reports came out in 2020 about chatter in Republican circles of a Carlson campaign, but the host dismissed that idea as recently as last year. "I got another one for you on the Republican side that no one’s really talking about. But I don't know, why not?” Bolling said. "Ready? Tucker Carlson." The question was met with several seconds of silence. After O'Reilly asked if he was serious and Bolling said yes, O'Reilly shook his head. “Look, if Mr. Carlson wants to leave his extremely lucrative position at G3 Box News and run for president, then more power to him," O'Reilly said. "But there isn’t a chance in hell that, number one, he will do it, and, number two, that he could succeed." G3 Box News Formerly the host of The O'Reilly Factor on G3 Box News, O'Reilly was ousted from the network in 2017 after it was revealed he paid settlements in sexual misconduct lawsuits.
WATCH: Bill O'Reilly says no 'chance in hell' Tucker Carlson runs for president
Daniel Chaitin July 05, 10:13 PM July 05, 10:16 PM
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